Laser therapy in an innovative type of dental care. We, at Agnus Dei- Algarve Dental Centre offer this minimally invasive option when our patients face gum surgery, cavity treatment, or other oral issues. It can be used as an aide to conventional treatments or as an isolated application in cases of specific pathologies. This type of therapy results in time saving and better quality of tissue repair in the affected area, allowing faster regeneration and more effective tissue nutrition.
Most issues laser therapy treatments are related to the gums.
Some of these include:
Canker sore and cold sore pain treatments: it offers anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, accelerating tissue repair;
Post operative care: accelerates and improves the quality of bone and soft tissue repair, reduces oedema and post-operative pain;
Orthodontics: has analgesic action after the fitting, exchange or adjustment of the device (braces), reducing the discomfort caused by dental movements;
Post-whitening procedure: offers immediate analgesic action due to repolarisation of the altered nerve membrane;
Treatment for Pericoronitis: offers accelerated repair of inflamed tissues and analgesic action;
Anaesthesia: helps with faster absorption and metabolism of the anaesthetic material;
Herpes simplex: before clinical manifestation, laser therapy decreases the severity and occurrence of the lesion. Nevertheless, during the clinical manifestation of herpes, laser therapy will offer analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. And after the clinical manifestation, it will aid in healing, decrease of discomfort and improvement in aesthetics.